Lands of lore trainer

Lands of lore trainer

Lands of lore trainer

Text file description:

                        Lands of Lore Trainer VE1.22
                             Author : David Jury
                             (c) 1994 David Jury
                                aka "Network"
                               THIS IS SHAREWARE!
 This specific Trainer,the Trainer engine designed by me,all the coding and
beta testing and user support are alot of hard work.It takes time and effort
(not to mention $$$) to do all this and make these kinds of products available
to users.If you use this product and enjoy it then Register it.Without user
support Shareware Authors give up,go broke,go COMMERICAL (OH NO NOT THAT!),
get divorced,start poking through trash barrels at the mall,gain weight,go bald
,get dandruff,have all their teeth fall out and all other forms of nasty things
like that.The game costs alot.Hint Books and Hint Lines cost more.I am asking
for your Support.Please read the REGISTER.NFO file.If you do not wish to
Register this product within a week of use then please Delete It.
 By Registering you will get a new Trainer devoid of the annoying Registration
pauses and messages.Also Registered users are entiltled to any updates or
bug fixes (JUST send a blank disk and S.A.S.E to me).And of course you will
be helping me to help you and others in the future.
 Now that I am done begging on with the show............................
                          Lands of Lore VE1.22 NOTES :
 Well it seems it takes a long time to fix those bugs once again.I'm sorry it
took me so long to write this update but I have basically given up writing
cheat utilities for the time being.It unfortunatly takes way too much time and
effort for so little reward.I cannot afford to spend the time and money any
more without user support.....sorry.
 This version of the Trainer will now work with the latest (and hopefully LAST!
) update from Westwood (hey guys...I could use the work and would be glad to
beta test and get rid of all the bugs for you!) patch release VE1.22.This WILL
this.I am very sorry that I am unable to afford such a luxury as a Cd-Rom drive
let alone buy a disk version and Cd-Rom version just to write cheats on.
 This version of the Trainer has been tweaked a little bit.Some of the Trainer
functions are just slightly altered or improved.I also changed around some of
the keys to different functions.Be sure you read the information below!
                                 THE TRAINER :
 What is a Trainer?It's an Interactive Utility that "Hides" in memory and
allows you to get the "Upper Hand" in those often too-Tough Games.It may
even,in some cases,make the game more challenging for you "True" gameplayers.
In either case it is my hope to enhance the Enjoyment of playing these games
through the use of my utilities.
 The Trainer (Either Loader-TSR or TSR) loads itself into memory and interfaces
itself into the Game Code.Once the game is running you can access the Trainer
via "Hot-Key" Trainer Functions that will alter the Game Data/Code in memory
as it is running.These functions allow you to alter the "Rules" of the game to
,hopefully,allow you to enjoy it even more.
                               HOW TO : (TRAINER)
 Unzip the trainer file(s) into your LANDS of LORE game directory using PKUNZIP
or whatever decompression utility you like.From your LANDS of LORE game
directory just type LOL every time you want to use the Trainer.It will load
the game for you.You can use the Trainer functions during actual gameplay
     During the game use the following Key Combinations to your advantage :
   (Note : When the word GREY is used it is used to describe the GREY Colored
  keys (on most systems) such as the keys around the Number Pad and keys like
                   CAPSLOCK,PAUSE,SCROLL LOCK,HOME,END etc.)
ACCENT (`) - Press this key to bring up the Trainer Hot Screen.This screen will
             display all of the available Trainer Keys along with all the
             Trainer Toggle Keys and their status (ON is HIGHLIGHTED/OFF is not
             ).With the UP and DOWN arrow keys you can select any of the
             Toggle functions to turn ON or OFF from this screen.Simply press
             RETURN to select one of the Toggle functions.
F2       - Each time you press this key your current Health will return to its
           Maximum level.
F3       - Each time you press this key your current Magic will return to its
           Maximum level.
F6       - Each time this Key is pressed it will Toggle your Coins to
           32,000.It may not update the display on the right side of the
           game screen but if you click on the Coins it will say you
           have the 32,000.Use this as often as you like to keep your
           Coin level High and Mighty.
F7       - Press this Key and it will Turn ON the Unlimited Magic Mode.Now you
           can Cast spells till you turn blue in the face and never have to
           worry about losing Magic Points again.Note that the Magic Bar will
           drop briefly and then go back to the Maximum value.Press this
           Key again and it will Turn this Mode OFF.
F8       - Pressing this Key Toggles the Unlimited Health Mode ON.While in this
           Mode your Health level will not decrease.Note that you will be Hit
           by Enemy Attacks but your Health bar will only drop briefly then
           return to Normal.Press this key again to turn this mode OFF.
F9       - When you press this Key it changes your Current Spell to the NEXT
           one UP the Spell List in Memory.You can now cast this Spell (if you
           have the Magic for it!) as if it was in your Spell Book.It won't
           add it to your Book but then who needs a silly Book when you can
           just Select anyone you want?The Spells in Order from First to Last
           are : Sparks,Heal,Freeze,Fireball,Crushing Hand,Mists of Doom and
           then Lightning.After Lightning there is a Blank spell that does
           nothing and then a spell that creates a Ball of Noxious Gases.It
           seems that the last spell and Crushing Hand (Hands of Fate) are not
           listed in the Manual.Enjoy!When you get to the LAST spell and press
           F9 the trainer will loop you back to Sparks and start over back up
           the Spell List.
F10      - When you press this Key it will Restore the Current Condition of
           your Character to Normal.So if you are Poisoned,Stunned,put to
           Sleep,Webbed or any other nasty thing this should bring you back
           to Normal.Also if you have a NPC in the game and you are Killed
           or Knocked Out this will also bring you Back.
SCROLL LOCK - Pressing this Key will Toggle the Unlimited Movement Mode ON.
           This Mode allows you to walk right through Walls,Barred Gates and
           Many Locked Doors.You can also pass through closed Portals into
           areas of the Game not normally accessable by your Character alone
           or without doing something special to Trigger that area to Open for
           you.Also if you have some Nasty Pit or Trap confronting you,you
           can just Travel through some Walls and completely bypass it.Press
           this Key again and it will Toggle this Mode OFF.
CAPS LOCK   - Press this Key to Toggle the Mighty Warrior Mode ON.This mode
           keeps you from being hit by ANY Enemy Attack including Missle
           attacks or Missle Traps,allows your attacks to inflict Ferocious
           Damage amounts (anywhere from 100 up to 1800 points of damage or
           more!),makes you ALWAYS hit on your first attack and gives you
           Quick Attack and Spell Casting Recovery (you now don't have to
           wait for the recovery lag).Good enough?Press this key again to
           return to a mere Fantasy Mortal.
GREY ASTERIK (*) - (Above Numeric Keys on Number Pad).Each time you press this
           key your character will be given 999/999 Magic Points and Health
GREY PLUS (+) - (To the Right of Numeric Keys on Number pad).When you press
           this key it will Instantly Refill your Lantern to FULL.
BACKSLASH (/) - When you press this key your Character will not be able to be
           Disarmed in Combat.Press this key again to return things to Normal.
                                    NOTES :
 During Gameplay at various points you will encounter Non Player Characters
(NPC's).These folk are along for the ride to help you in most cases as best
they can.You do have control over them so they aren't Truly NPC's in a
sense but that's the best way to describe them.Some of the Trainer Functions
will affect them as well as your Player Character.You will be able to use the
Unlimited Magic and Health Modes,Unlimted Movement Mode and Might Combat
Mode on them (If there already Active when they join you then they instantly
start to Train them as well).Also changing the Current Spell also affects
Magic using NPC's.At the very least the Trainer will Protect them and make
them Strong and useful.You just won't be able to edit some of their features
 At present the Trainer Hot Screen (ACCENT Key) requires that you have 12k of
space free on your Hard Drive in the directory that the game is located.This
is used for a Temporary swap file to save the game screen.You should never
notice this since the Trainer deletes this file before it exits to DOS.If for
some reason you do not exit the game normally (I.e. turn off power,hit CTRL-
ALT-DEL etc. etc.) the swap file will still be on the HD.It's name is NWT.XXX
and you may delete or just let the Trainer do it for you the next time you
                           OTHER TRAINER FUNCTIONS :
     To manipulate the Keybeep the PC Speaker makes on Trainer Functions :
            F11 - Press F11 for a Higher pitched keypress feedback.
             F12 - Press F12 for a Lower pitched keypress feedback.
         DEL - Toggle ON/OFF the keypress feedback from the PC Speaker.
 Press these keys any time or as many times as needed to get the desired
effect.Also note that for Trainer functions that Toggle ON/OFF the ON keypress
will always be a LOW pitch then a HIGHER pitched tone and the OFF will be
the reverse (a HIGH pitched tone with and immediate LOWER pitched tone).
 You can find Network Trainers on Compuserve (GO FSFORUM or GO GAMERS and look
in the appropriate Library) or on Software Creations BBS "Home of the Authors"
(508-365-2359 1200/2400bps V.42/MNP,508-368-4137 2400-14.4k HST US ROBOTICS,
2400-16.8K V.32/V.42bis USR).I will upload this file to America Online ONLY
to get this to the many users who requested this update.After that I AM
FINISHED WITH AMERICA ONLINE!I have complained steadily to AOL over the past
few months about losing my files and the rediculously long waiting periods for
files to get online to NO AVAIL!I suppose it will take Software Authors leaving
and publicly protesting AOL's poor service to maybe get things changed.I have
no other choice since I have exhausted all other avenues in trying to raise the
quality of their service to even half of what the competition offers.I am very
sorry.I encourage you to complain to the AOL service department (good luck and
good riddance!).If you want Network Trainers you will have to go to another
Online service that actually listens to contributing Authors.
                                   WRAP UP :
 If you have any problems with the Trainer PLEASE read the ERROR.NFO file
for more instructions.Send Questions/Comments to :
                               Prodigy ID#BGRB28C
                            Compuserve ID#71052,1742
                  Internet Mail to :
   !Please note that I am finished with America Online.DO NOT EMAIL ME THERE!
 For ANY distribution of this work in MASS for on MEDIA or PRINT for profit
or other you MUST contact the Author (me) for permission.This includes being
copied and sold for profit or distribution fee via mail,person,book,magazine
,catalog,etc.I encourage this sort of thing but only if I am contacted and
permission is granted to do so.Please do not upload any Network Trainers to
the America Online Service without getting permission from me first.
    Send questions,comments,love letters,gold bullion,tons of hardware to :
                                   DAVID JURY
                                  P.O. BOX 658
          Trainer Engine Design and Code Copywrite 1994 by David Jury
               Trainer Module Code for Copywrite 1994 David Jury
TRAINER PROBLEMS (That is if you have ANY) :
 Since I have had minor comatibility Problems and numerous Conflicts with
various Memory Managers,Device Drivers,TSR's and different Machine Harware
BIOS(s) I have tried to include a few new features in the Trainer Engine to
hopefully Eliminate these Troubles and to better help Diagnose the cause.
 First off I will try to explain a little about what the Trainer does and how
it relates to the main problem users have had.When the Trainer begins to Load
the Game it is designed to work with it attempts to gain Control of the
Keyboard BIOS.It gets this from the Game code which is usually attempting to
do the same thing for it's own input routines.If for some reason due to some
Conflict with something else in the system or due to some quirk in the Hardware
BIOS it cannot do this then the Trainer never sets up a method to get it's
input and it will just sit there and do nothing when you press Trainer Keys.
 Now I have added a few Checksums to the Engine to at least let you the User
know what has happened instead of leaving you wondering.If for some reason
the Trainer fails to hook itself into the Keyboard BIOS it will now display
a Message letting you know this when you EXIT the Game and Trainer.
 Also the Trainer checks to see if the Game Code it is attempting to Interface
with is the Code it Expects.If the code doesn't match either because it has
already been tampered with,damaged or it is a different Version of the Game
it will also Report an Error Message regarding this on Termination of the Game
and Trainer.
 The Trainer is a TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident Program) which basically
means it just sits around in memory waiting to perform its function.Many
things can conflict with it.Here are some things you can try if you get an
Error Message indicating that the Trainer has failed to Hook the Game/BIOS
input or some other problem :
1. Try removing any Device Driver's or other TSR programs in memory that you
   do not need.You may want to boot from a CLEAN Boot disk or if you have
   DOS 6.0 + press F5 at the loading MSDOS prompt to bypass your Config.sys
   and Autoexec.bat files (if applicable).
2. If you have a Gravis Ultrasound Card or other type of Soundcard that
   emulates SoundBlaster Sound via device/drivers (if applicable) try
   turning the Sound Option for that Card OFF and see if that works.
3. Attempt to use the game with some different Options.Try to disable some
   Options in an effort to locate the Conflict with the Trainer.
4. If you are attempting to use the Trainer under Windows,OS/2 or Windows
   NT then stop.The Trainer code is specific to the 8086 instruction set
   and a DOS operating environment.The above operating systems won't
   allow the Trainer to operate as it was designed to under DOS.You can
   only use the Trainer (safely) under DOS.
5. If the Trainer fails to work Properly or cause the game to crash when
   you press certain Functions then check to see if the Trainer is for
   a Specific Version of the Game.Usually the first Trainer put out for the
   first version of a Game is labeled V1.0 or V1.0s.Make sure you have the
   right Trainer for the right Version.
 If the Trainer is still not working properly and/or the Patch program
did not fix the problem either please send me the following information:
                       1. Brand/Make of Computer
                             2. Type of CPU
                         3. BIOS Brand and Date
          4. Complete Contents of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
               5. List of Peripherals attached to System
                 6. Version number of Game and Trainer
      7. List of any other TSR's or Memory Managers you are using
 8. List the Main Game .EXE or .COM files their file Size (bytes) and Dates
This makes it easier to diagnose the trouble.Leave E-Mail,Feedback or comments
to me :
                           Prodigy ID#BGRB28C
                        Compuserve ID#71052,1742
                       America Online ID=Network1
              Internet Mail to :
 Please!If you are on America Online don't send me Internet Mail on Compuserve!
I WILL reply to your messages addressed to NETWORK1 on AOL.
                                OTHER TRAINERS :
    Ultima Underworlds 2 (PRE-Patch)       Ultima Underworlds 2 (POST-Patch)
    Flashback (U.S./SSI Version)           Prince of Persia 2 (V1.0)
    Lands of Lore (V1.0)                   Lands of Lore (V1.1a)
    Wing Commander Academy                 Might and Magic IV
    Might and Magic V                      Magic Pockets
    Imperial Pursuit (Final V1.1a)         Lemmings 2
    Space Hulk                             Terminator 2029
    Terminator 2029:Operation Scourge      Dune 2 V1.0
    Dune 2 V1.07                           Dark Sun (Original)
    Dark Sun (Update#1)                    Bwing
    Might and Magic 5 (NEWDARK.EXE)        Space Hulk V2.0
    Prince of Persia V1.3                  Terminator RAMPAGE V1.00
    Dark Sun V1.1                          The Legacy V1.154
    Blake Stone V2.00 Registered Ep. 1-6   Duke Nukem 2 Registered Version
    Alone in the Dark II
 You can find Network Trainers on Compuserve (GO FSFORUM or GO GAMERS and look
in the appropriate Library),America Online (Game Hints Library) and on the
Software Creations BBS "Home of the Authors" (508-365-2359 1200/2400bps V.42/
MNP,508-368-4137 2400-14.4k HST US ROBOTICS,2400-16.8K V.32/V.42bis USR) or
your favorite BBS!


File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

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