Youtube Games May Be On The Way

Youtube Games May Be On The Way

When you hear the word "youtube", you don't think of a "Web-Based System for Generation of Interactive Games Based on Digital Videos", but this may change soon.

A patent filed by Google in February and published a few days ago, describes the aforementioned system where clicking links embedded within videos will make playback jump to other scenes.

"A video may have associated with it one or more annotations, which modify the appearance and/or behavior of a video as it was originally submitted to an online video hosting site," the patent description reads.

"Some examples of annotations are graphical text box annotations, which display text at certain locations and certain times of the video, and pause annotations, which halt playback of the video at a specified time within the video."

"Some annotations, e.g. a graphical annotation (such as a text box annotation) comprising a link to a particular portion of a target video, are associated with a time of the target video, which can be either the video with which the annotation is associated, or a separate video."

"Selecting such annotations causes playback of the target video to begin at the associated time. Such annotations can be used to construct interactive games using videos, such as a game in which clicking on different portions of a video leads to different outcomes."