You can put your motherboard and GPU in the dishwasher

You can put your motherboard and GPU in the dishwasher

Did you know taht you can put your motherboard, graphics card, RAM and if you've delidded it, your CPU, in your dishwasher? It turns out you can and to prove it and explain why, veteran overclocker and 3DMark record holder, Roman "Der8auer" Hartung put a number of pieces of hardware in his dishwasher, braving the jets and heat to clean his components.

The reason this is all possible is because as long as your hardware isn't plugged in, water can't really do much damage to it. In theory, if you did it multiple times or over long periods you might get some particulate residue on the PCB, which wouldn't be ideal, but in the short term or for one-off cleanings, it's perfectly fine.

The reason Der8auer puts his motherboard and GPUs into the dishwasher isn't just for fun though, it's to clean them off after he's used them for high-end cooling with liquid nitrogen or other sub-zero coolants. When he uses such cooling systems, he needs to put vaseline on the motherboard and other components to make sure that melting ice doesn't cause condensation and short out his GPU or other components. Cleaning off vaseline is rather arduous by hand, so he finds that putting the cards and boards into the dishwasher makes the process much easier.

Would you ever put your hardware in a dishwasher like that?