You can make your own levels in the Turok remaster

You can make your own levels in the Turok remaster

The remastered version of Turok, that classic dinosaur hunting shooter, now lets you make your own levels, so if you ever stomped around the Jurassic game back on the N64, wishing you could create your own dinotopia, you can now scratch that near-20 year itch.

Released by the same company that made the remastered version of System Shock 2, Night Dive Studios, the new level editor gives you full access to the Turok EX engine. That lets you build levels, adjust enemies, tweak AI pathfinding, use fog, particles and lighting effects to make the world look more exciting and even test it all within the editor itself.

This isn't the same Iguana editor that was used for Turok level making back in the day, but that's a good thing as the world of developing has come on a lot since the late '90s. Night Dive has added a lot of functionality, which will make this level editor far more easy on the eye and the brain, especially for those who are more used to modern editors.

Better yet, you don't even have to do anything to gain access to this update. If you own the game on Steam, you'll find the update added for free, automatically.

No word yet on whether this will be added to the GoG release of the game too, though considering that platform's love of retro gaming, we wouldn't be surprised.