XPand Rally Now in September 2K4

XPand Rally Now in September 2K4 XPand Rally Now in September 2K4 XPand Rally Now in September 2K4 XPand Rally Now in September 2K4 XPand Rally Now in September 2K4 XPand Rally Now in September 2K4 XPand Rally Now in September 2K4 XPand Rally Now in September 2K4

Techland, developer of Xpand Rally, informed us that they are rescheduling the game's release date.
The title, initially announced for Q2, will be available in September 2004. According to the company, the change of the release date is connected with the intense co-operation with beta testers submitting many interesting comments and suggestions.

Pawel Marchewka, producer of Xpand Rally, said: ...after the first phase of beta tests we received large quantities of very useful and attractive suggestions concerning different aspects of the game. Taking most of them into consideration would be impossible with the previous release date, that's why we decided to push the date later. I am sure that the additional elements of the game will compensate the players for the longer waiting time.

The precise release date of Xpand Rally and its prices on different territories will be announced by the end of April.

For some impressive, in-game, images from the game follow the Screens tab above.

In XPand Rally, thanks to Chrome Engine 2004 technology, players can drive without any restrictions across vast, beautiful and extremely detailed terrains.

Complex car physics simulation provides a realistic driving experience while car handling depends on a variety of options open to the user, such as:

-Individual car settings
-Car damage
-Surface type
-Weather conditions

The game also features:
-Demanding AI opponents with different personalities and driving styles,
-Various single player modes; Career (2 modes), single race, time trials, bonus tracks and special rules championships.

Multiplayer Mode

-Up to 8 players simultaneously in Internet and LAN games
-Split screen mode