XCOM 2 PC exclusive announced

XCOM 2 PC exclusive announced

The rebooted XCOM was one of the more surprising success stories of 2012, not because it was based on a bad game - far, far from it - but because of the original game's rabid fan- base. Firaxis managed to win them over and update the formula to iron out some of the original game's biggest issues, so that was a win for everyone.

Since then we haven't heard much about it, beyond a bit of DLC and a board game tie-in, but now a sequel has been announced and it's going to be a PC exclusive, which means prettier graphics, a control scheme designed with a mouse and keyboard in-mind and potentially, sweet, sweet mods.

The game is set 20 years after humanity lost the war against its alien invaders and a new world order has risen up in place of the human empire. Now there are tightly controlled societies with various otherworldly creatures as our overlords - but XCOM still exists.

After regrouping in hiding, the mobile assault force is now operational once again and is looking to take back the earth from its invaders. Combining base building and expansion, with the same squad based combat of the original game, XCOM 2 looks to update the formula with a few new twists to make it exciting.

It's expected to release later this year.