XCOM 2 devs will feature as soldiers in-game

XCOM 2 devs will feature as soldiers in-game

With XCOM 2 finally releasing tomorrow February 5, and reviews form around the world praising its unique take on the alien invasion simulator, it's no surprise that a few fun stories have shown up to help continue its popularisation. Say the fact that the developers of the game will feature as hireable soldiers.

They probably won't last long, as all XCOM soldiers are wont to die sooner or later, but if you want to enjoy those who put their hearts and souls into a game getting blown apart by alien weaponry, then you can sign on senior animator Louis Ferina, or senior producer Garth DeAngelis - they're more than keen to start gunning apart snake men and traitorous humans.

To add them to your game, you need to head to the character pool, select character import and select from the developer pool. You can bring them all in or use the character customiser to create your own unique soldiers.

One of the more fun aspects with games like XCOM (whether the original or this one) and Xenonauts, is naming (and in this case customising) soldiers after people you know, characters or real world world individuals that you have some kind of connection with. That way when they eventually get cut in two by an alien plasma blast, you really feel it.