XCOM 2 - 10 minutes of gameplay video appears

XCOM 2 - 10 minutes of gameplay video appears

Firaxis Games, makers of the XCOM reboot from a few years ago, is now working on the sequel and it takes the alien invasion simulator in a very different direction. In XCOM 2, it's presumed that the humans didn't win the war from the original and ultimately struck a deal with the otherwordly beings who now call Earth home.

But XCOM isn't defeated just yet. Having repurporsed an alien ship into a mobile base, the remaining troops and their specialised weapons and tools stay on the move, performing guerilla strikes against the Advent forces.

And now we have a 10 minute video of what that looks like in action.

It's a clip of gameplay recorded at E3 and it shows off new soldier types and new enemy types, new weapons, but more importantly, a new type of mission. In this one, players are tasked with blowing up an iconic monument to the alien overlords. The experience is much more cinematic than before, with an active camera giving players unique perspectives on the action, and a slow motion overwatch mode which looks very cool.

As characters discuss their environment too, the camera drops down to give you their perspective on things. While that might not be a favourite choice for strategy purists, those that get into the story will likely appreciate it.

SnakeMen make an appearance too. They aren't to be messed with.