Xbox One X preorders reopened as stock issues improve

Xbox One X preorders reopened as stock issues improve

If you're excited for Microsoft's upcoming top-tier console, the Xbox One X, to release this November, then you're in luck, as you can once again pre-order the new hardware. It's not cheap, with a current price tag of $500 for the new standard version, but it does give you a lot of new high-end hardware and will be a real boon to anyone wanting to game more often at 4K resolution than they do currently.

The Xbox One X's big features are its hardware upgrades. It sports a boosted CPU clock speed, a massively expanded custom graphics chip with five times as many compute units and an enhanced clock speed, all bundled up with 12GB of GDDR5 system memory, giving the system as much as six teraflops of computing power. That's almost as much as a GTX 970 graphics card.

While that might not seem like much for PC Gamers, in a console sense that's huge and represents a multiplication of even Xbox One S performance. The new Xbox One X will be capable of playing a variety of games at 4K resolution, or improving their frame rate if you aren't running a TV with a high-enough resolution. You could even have it upscale what you're playing so it looks that bit better even without the display hardware support.

And now you can pre-order that system once again. Although Microsoft did previously put the system up for pre-order earlier this year, the "Scorpio" special edition quickly sold out, leaving eager fans with nowhere to invest their money months before they would ever see the hardware.

Now you can do that once again. We don't know what stock is like, so if you find a retailer with some Xbox One X systems, buying one up quickly would be a good call (thanks Polygon).

But then again, pre-ordering, in general, is a bit of a dangerous industry practiced. You'd be better off not pre-ordering anything.