XBox Games Hot this Christmas

XBox Games Hot this Christmas

The stories of the poor sales record of the XBox have been seen by almost everyone remotely interested in console gaming. Gloomy forecasts, somber predictions and references to millions of lost U.S. Dollars are commonplace when discussing the ailing console's future. But wait, is there some hope or should Microsoft just wake up, smell the Java and call the whole console war off?

According to the most recent reports, presented by the US firm Sanford C Bernstein, XBox's future is looking up. As far as this holiday season is concerned, experts expect the console to gain some market share and they suggest that game sales, will show a considerable increase, which will carry on to after the holiday season. Such news must be music to Microsoft ears as they still lose about USD 150 on every console sold, but do make a neat little profit on title sales.

The increase in sales, analysts explain, is a result of Microsoft policies, which introduced a variety of XBox bundles, which offer the console together with free or discounted games.