X360s Fallen Brothers

X360s Fallen Brothers X360s Fallen Brothers X360s Fallen Brothers X360s Fallen Brothers X360s Fallen Brothers X360s Fallen Brothers X360s Fallen Brothers

A BBC TV program in the U.K. last Friday showcased Microsoft's XBox 360 strategy for Britain and continental Europe but also revealed some interesting footage of XBox 360 designs which didn't quite make it past the prototype stage.

In the same report, Microsoft's U.K. XBox boss described the X360 as: the most powerful console ever seen on the planet. Sony also made an appearance on the show, courtesy of Phil Harrison who insisted that the company's PSP console will "hold the fort" until PS3 arrives, he said: Certainly PlayStation Portable is going to be the number one gift at Christmas. To which Microsoft's XBox VP, Peter Moore, wittily replied: We're not overly concerned about the PSP. Tough words from tough guys, a sign that this installment of the console wars is not gonna wait until you take off your glasses before it hits you.

To judge whether Microsoft did the right thing with the X360s looks, follow the screenshots tab above to have a look at the rejected designs. All images were screen-captured by the Next-Gen website.