WoW Legion to end use of 'stand-here' UI addons

WoW Legion to end use of 'stand-here' UI addons

As World of Warcraft has developed over the years, the complexity of its boss battles and dungeon raids has increased. The idea behind that progression, was that as players become more experienced, as groups become more in tune with one another, they'll be able to handle more complex tasks.

That's true to some extent, but it's also seen the rise of user interface tools, which highlight where players should stand to maximise damage and to keep them safe from boss attacks. That's not only considered cheating by many members of the community, but also reduces complicated boss battles into a game of follow the leader.

This was a particular issue with the final raid boss from Warlords of Draenor, Archimonde. He is a particularly difficult fight, even for coordinated guilds. However with heads up information showing where to stand, he becomes a bit of a cake walk.

Moving forward, Blizzard is looking to stop that, so when Legion is released and the game updates to version 7.1, those add ons will no longer work.

The reason Blizzard has only just made this announcement, is so that it could figure out a way to break boss battle and raid UI tools, without crippling the ones outside where they can help with treasure hunting or grinding - something Blizzard is far less concerned with.

With Legion launching on August 30, this patch isn't far away now.