World of Warcraft movie made more money than Star Wars in China

World of Warcraft movie made more money than Star Wars in China

Star Wars: The Force Awakens might have done exceedingly well in the U.S. and abroad, netting over $2 billion worldwide, but it wasn't the most successful movie in China in recent months. While that might not be that uncommon when you consider how popular Chinese cinema can be in the country, the biggest movie there in recent months has been Warcraft: The Beginning.

The movie inspired by the World of Warcraft PC game managed to pull in over $47 million in just a single day in China, where it made less than $25 million over its opening weekend in the U.S.

Admittedly the poor reviews for the film didn't help its chances, with many detractors saying that the set-up for the trilogy was too obvious and left the film without much at stake compared to what we can see coming over the horizon.

Warcraft has been a winner in the UK too though, netting $5.2 million over its June 3-5 launch Window. That is a really small figure compared to the numbers mentioned above, but in the UK with its small population it just doesn't generate the big bucks like other parts of the world.

Still, perhaps this means that Warcraft will get a sequel after all and fans can get the payoff they hoped for in this original film.

Have you seen Warcraft: The Beginning? If so, what did you think?