World of Warcraft to add colour-blind mode in 6.1

World of Warcraft to add colour-blind mode in 6.1

Although a colour system for differentiating loot levels is great for most people, for those gamers that are colourblind, it can be incredibly frustrating. Considering in those with Northern-European ancestry, colour blindness is as common as eight per cent of men, it seems surprising that it's taken the world's most popular subscription MMO, World of Warcraft, over a decade to implement a feature that aids those with colour blindness. However it finally is, in the next update: 6.1.

Set for release on February 24, Blizzard's new game patch will change the colours of loot and other items to make them more easy to tell apart and will also add text tooltips for those that want to confirm with a little mouse hover.

Filters will be possible for all types of colour blindness, including protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia and they will be accessible through the interface configuration menu in the game's settings.

Other additions in the new patch, including the ability to summon boss monsters to your garrison for fighting on your home turf, as well as a new chapter to the Khadgar legendary quest chain and heirlooms will be buyable with gold too.