Wii Supply Might Fall Short Of Christmas Demand

Wii Supply Might Fall Short Of Christmas Demand Wii Supply Might Fall Short Of Christmas Demand

Speaking with Forbes, Nintendo's global president and CEO, Satoru Iwata, indicated that Wii's supply might not be sufficient to meet its Christmas demand; for the third time in its short life in market.

"We are really intending to increase the shipments to the U.S., especially compared to last year," said Satoru Iwata. "However, I can't give you a 100% commitment [that you'll be able to find a Wii this holiday season]. What I can commit myself to is that Nintendo is going to do its best to supply as many Wii hardware units as possible in order to meet demand there."

Iwata noted that demand for Wii in the U.S. is unusually high in contrast to either Europe or Asia and that they plan to produce 2.4 million units this year, the majority of which will be allocated to USA.