Wii Makes Hot Dozen Toy List

Wii Makes Hot Dozen Toy List

Nintendo's Wii has made the annual Hot Dozen toy list compiled by Toy Wishes magazine. The list is thought to be the most accurate prediction of how holiday sales will go and puts the console in the prestigious company of TMX Elmo and Butterscotch the toy Pony.

Launching on November 19 in the U.S., Nintendo's wonder console has received a barrage of positive press, unlike rival Sony and its PS3 console. At the expected USD 250, the Wii is one of the most expensive toys in the list although the aforementioned toy Pony does beat it at USD 299.99.

Of course, you did not have to be an expert toy journalist (?)to know that the Wii is bound to make a big splash this holiday season. Firstly, it will be the only new console that will launch with an adequate number of units available and secondly, the positivity surrounding the console, its innovative style and the low price make for a very tempting combination. The lack of any strong PSP sales also means that the Wii will be one of the few gaming gadgets available this holiday season.