Why do people hate NBA 2K18?

Why do people hate NBA 2K18?

You would think making yearly sporting titles shouldn't be too difficult. You upgrade the graphics a bit, update the team rosters and maybe add a couple of extra features. Crunch it out in the last couple of weeks before launch, send it out to the masses and start work on the next one. Right?

Not with NBA 2K18 it seems, as developer Visual Concepts appears to have dropped the ball entirely. The game has been flooded with hugely negative reviews since its release and seemingly with good reason. The game is packed with micro-transactions, grinding gameplay and of course, it's endlessly plagued with bugs too.

A number of videos have begun appearing on the likes of Youtube, claiming to show players how to quickly unlock all of the in-game cash they need to buy everything, but just as many videos are showing off the myriad of flaws in the game.

From no-start bugs, crashes, career mode not-functioning at all, to black screen issues during cutscenes, lack of Xbox One controller suppport on the PC and more.

When you slap all of those problems on top of a game that is very heavy on the grind and encourages micro-transactions to alleviate it, you end up with a lot of very angry gamers. On Steam right now the game has a "mostly negative" rating with more than 3,250 reviews. Although there have been some positive ones, for the most part, people consider the new NBA game to be a pay to win trash title.

Have any of you been burned by NBA2K18?