Who Wants This Next-Gen Motion Tracking Controller?


If you've been reading this site for a while, you know I'm a big fan of the Oculus Rift and the first chance I get get to steal... buy one legitimately, I'll do so. But a head mounted display with head tracking is only the first step to virtual reality. We've looked at the Omnia treadmill before, but what about my hands man, what do I do with my hands?

Fortunately that's where Sixense comes in. It's the same company that previously developed the twin handled Hydra controller that offered the first hint at decent motion tracking for the PC, but the new STEM system is wireless, doesn't need line of site and can potentially track as many as five different body parts.

It's also got a very, very low latency, so it makes fighting games truly possible - much better than that Fighter Within garbage the Xbox One is getting with its half second latency.

This thing is currently going through its Kickstarter campaign, which it's easily blown past the threshold for. The developers were only looking for a quarter million dollars and they've already hit $450,000 in just the first day. If you want to get in on the action and get yourself one of these when they're released in June next year, you'll need to stump up around $200, as the $150 versions have all gone.

If you want to donate, .