What does Bungie have planned for Destiny?

What does Bungie have planned for Destiny?

If there's one thing you should take home about Destiny (other than the game itself, if you're one of several million people that already owns it) is that Bungie is committing to it long term. This isn't a flash in the pan like most games, it's a labour of long-term love, much like Blizzard with World of Warcraft.

Bungie has plans for the next decade of content and expansion, but what can we the players expect if we keep playing that long?

The original plan was for there to be a 'new' Destiny game every couple of years, expanding the story and gameplay, interspersed with big DLC content updates. While we know that there are two big DLC packs coming soon, Bungie has said that there may not be the regular big game updates like initially planned.

"So what I’ll say to you is: we said that we were a ten-year game, and both Activision and Bungie have committed to being wholly behind the large effort, and it’s a large investment for both sides. I don’t think there’s any set date – ten years is just representing the go-forward presence and the way that we think about doing things," said head of production on Destiny, Jonty Barnes.

Much of the work for such a long term project however, came early on in its development. Bungie had to make sure that the game would work on future hardware and on future platforms, so it built the game from the ground up to be a long-term labour of love.

While he was pretty cagey about what was coming in a year or two, Barnes did hint at what might be soon to appear in the online world:

"Very soon, strange characters will arrive in the Tower with special offerings in hand. Public Events will erupt from the skies over your favorite destinations with greater frequency. And, Bungie will enter the fray with some bounties of our own for you to claim – if you can."

Have you guys been playing Destiny? What do you think so far?

[Thanks Guardian]