What do you want from Intel's graphics? It wants to know

What do you want from Intel's graphics? It wants to know

Intel is building its first dedicated gaming graphics card in almost a decade and although it has a firm vision for what this next-generation architecture will be capable of and what features it will sport, that doesn't mean it's finalized everything. In-fact, Intel has opened up a public consultation to find out what fans want to see from the GPU alternative that could give AMD and Nvidia pause when it debuts in 2020.

"We are flipping the concept of an Ask Me Anything (AMA) on its head, again. We will be asking YOU the questions. Our engineers enjoyed hearing the insights from our first AYA, so we are back to listen some more. It’s not just about helping Intel. Your direct input helps us build out the future of visual computing experiences for you and your friends," Intel said, via PCGamer.

This AYA will be held on the official Intel subreddit and will take place on April 25 between 9AM and 10AM PT.

This is all part of Intel's new push to market itself as an alternative to the big two graphics card makers. We don't know yet what kind of performance we can expect from Intel's new design, but it has hired on serious engineers, like long-time Radeon Technology Group head, Raja Koduri, to work on it.

Most intriguing though, is its hiring spree of marketers. Intel hired on veterans from AMD and even Kyle Bennet, the founder and long-time owner of HardOCP, to help push the technology on gamers.

Do you think it will work? Can Intel truly compete with the likes of AMD and Nvidia?