Welcome to Pokémon Go, Canada

Welcome to Pokémon Go, Canada

Pokémon Go has become quite the global phenomenon, with tens of millions of players logging in and wandering out and about to try and capture the little monsters over the past week or so. However while it's popular the world over, Pokémon Go isn't available everywhere just yet.

It is however now available in Canada, so our friends to the North can now begin enjoying the roaming Pokémon mobile title as much as the rest of us.

Announced on the official Pokémon Go twitter account, the news was met with the usual excitement - though no doubt news of server crashes will follow as Pokémon Go has struggled to maintain its online servers due to the sheer demand of the player base.

How have you guys been getting on with Pokémon Go? Did you manage to stay out of mineshafts? One group of teens didn't, getting stuck once they wandered in looking for Pokémon.