Watch the first 17 minutes of Firewatch here

Watch the first 17 minutes of Firewatch here

Firewatch is the first game from Campo Santo, set to release in February next year and though it has an interesting visual style and navigation mechanic, we don't know much about it yet. What we do know however has been expanded by the recent IGN/Developer playthrough, which shows a solid 17 minutes of gameplay.

Although this is the first game from the company, the developers have a serious pedigree. Two of the founders were creative leads on Telltale's Walking Dead games and another designer was lead on Mark of the Ninja. Between them they have a lot of experience under their belts.

In Firewatch, you're Henry, a watchmen in the Wyoming wilderness in 1989. You have to look out for fires and report back on them. At least that's what your job starts out as. When a communication wires goes down it's your job to investigate it and that starts opening up whole new threads of the story, some of which are blanked out for this preview video.

There's unruly teens to find, beer cans to pick up and fires to be ever watchful for. Firewatch is an explorative, first person game with an interesting atmosphere. Players can expect to get their first look at the game on February 9 next year. PC, Mac, Linux and PS4 gamers only though.