Watch Battleborn's entire E3 video here

Watch Battleborn's entire E3 video here

If you didn't attend E3, then there's a good chance you didn't see the big showing of Battleborn, Gearbox's in-development shooter, battle arena hybrid. Think of Overwatch, or Gigantic, it's a bit like those, right down to the stylised visuals.

Still, the setting in this one is a bit more dramatic. Apparently the universe is dying and almost every star has been snuffed out - bar one. That's the one you're now fighting over, as every entity in the universe shows up to try and wrest it from your grasp. Fortunately, you have some of humanities greatest heroes to try and stop them.

They aren't particularly normal looking of course, with characters featuring four arms, bionicly cloned bodies, heavy armour, strange weapons, jump packs and a number of other weird and wonderful variations on traditional classes.

Much like of the other arena shooters in development at the moment, Battleborn mixes up MOBA elements with those of shooters like Team Fortress, though this one certainly has a bit of Borderlands sprinkled in too. Aesthetically it looks very similar and its humor will be familiar for anyone that's played one of the games before.

Voice actors even sound a bit samey.

What do you guys think of this one? There's been some negative comments from people thinking it looks just like a Borderlands clone, but others seem quite excited.