Warhammer: Regicide chess is a weird take on the universe

Warhammer: Regicide chess is a weird take on the universe

When it comes to Warhammer games, it doesn't rain, it pours. While a few years ago we might have been thankful for our Dawn of War II and our memories of Dark Omen, today there are loads of games in the universe. There's Space Marine, Armageddon, Blood Bowl and its upcoming sequel, Space Hulk, an upcoming Total War: Warhammer and several others.

Adding to that pile today, is a new trailer for the upcoming Warhammer: Regicide. Despite the fact, that neither of the two "armies" being pitted against each other on the make shift chess board have any sort of king.

Yes the god emperor could be called a regent, but he's hardly in a fit state to take the field of battle is he?

The game sees enemies line up like chess pieces, but with the ability to use a number of different weapons options for taking out other pieces at a distance.

Which makes you wonder why not just make a small arena game and ditch the chess concept altogether?

No release date for Regicide has yet been released. You can