Warcraft and Warcraft II branch out onto GoG

Warcraft and Warcraft II branch out onto GoG

As part of a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the release of the original Warcraft game, a team of developers has ported both that first title and its sequel, Warcraft II to GoG, making it available DRM free for the first time in years.

Originaly released in 1994, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans helped popularize and define the real-time strategy genre in for the rest of the decade, spawning many imitators and two sequels. The series would eventually go on to give rise to the original DOTA, which in turned spawned the whole MOBA genre which became one of the largest gaming franchises ever made.

And now it's back on GoG. The first Warcraft game comes in its classic, 1994 style, simply working perfectly on modern systems as it would have back in the day. Wacraft II: Battle.net edition, however, comes in two different guises. The first is the same as it always was, with online multiplayer built right in to it. The second, however, is an HD resolution support and upscaling of the original visuals to improve the look of the game. There have also been some important balance tweaks to make the game more fair for those who want a more even playing field than the original game did in 1995.

The games also come with the Warcraft II expansion, Beyond the Dark Portal, with all editions being DRM free. There's also soundtracks and digital manuals for each game, completing the classic GoG re-release experience.

They're available now individually priced, but you can pick up both games for just $15.