Want to buy every Steam game? It'd cost you half a million

Want to buy every Steam game? It'd cost you half a million

If you're a true completionist, then buying every single Steam game could be a real-life achievement worth targeting. It'll cost you a pretty penny though, with the most recent estimates suggesting it would cost you over $550,000 for all of them. Sales can help, of course, especially big ones like the Halloween sale that finishes up today. Strike while it's hot and you could get them all for the low, low price of $440,000.

The Steam game calculator shows how the collective price of all Steam games would be and how that's changed over time. In mid-2017, when it first started tracking that metric, you'd only have needed a quarter million, but that's gone up sharply over the past few years. Presumably that's because of additional games being added, but you also have to factor in the higher cost of newer AAA games too.

The cheapest it's all been in quite some time was the Summer 2020 sale, where such a huge swathe of games was discounted that you could get everything for less than $350,000. Right now it's all available for $437,975, which is $120,000 down from its usual total. What a saving.

For an even greater flashback to how far Steam game totals have come, you can take a look at the original BuyAllofSteam page that inspired the new calculator. It hasn't been updated since 2014, but back then you'd have only had to spend $91,000 to get everything. Your library would have been full of just 7,481 games and DLC — a comparably tiny collection compared to the 30,000+ games and 21,000+ DLC and items you can buy today.

How big is your Steam library? Mines at 268. Mostly played. Only finished a few though.