Voting for the Top10 MegaGames of 2004 Completed

Voting for the Top10 MegaGames of 2004 Completed

Voting for the Top10 MegaGames of 2004 is now closed. The announcement of the Top10 will begin, as initially scheduled, on Monday January 24.

Prizes from Crucial Technology, Capcom and now Funcom are up for grabs. In order to thank all of you who vote for the Top10 MegaGames of 2004, MegaGames has joined forces with Crucial Technology, a division of Micron,
providing quality direct memory upgrades online at Playstation 2 game, due for release in early February, 2005.

MegaGames and Funcom have gotten together to offer voters further exciting prizes. 20 winners will each get Alien Invasion boxed sets including Anarchy Online and Notum Wars while one extremely lucky winner will get One box of Shadowlands, One box of Alien Invasion and the Preorder items for both games along with a signed print from acclaimed artist Stian Dahlslett.

The Top10 MegaGames of 2004 are also sponsored by creators of the VirtualFX 3D TV Converter.

MegaGames is asking its valued readers to vote for the ultimate Top10 Games, across all platforms, for 2004. Voting is now closed. Those of you who have voted, all have a chance of winning one of the gaming prizes detailed above.

As 2004 is fading in the distance, we have to begin considering whether a year which promised gamers so much, delivered the goods. When just one year has managed to package high-end titles such as Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Halo 2, Riddick, EQ 2, GTA:SA, Far Cry, Painkiller, Rome:Total War, The Sims 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and so many others, you expect it to have left confused and stumbling gamers in its wake.

2004 however, will be remembered as much for its disappointments as for its successes. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was delayed, and so were GT 4 and Juiced (for very different reasons), while games became the scapegoats for a variety of modern society's ailments and games such as Manhunter and GTA:VC were hunted down as a result. Then we had the delays with Doom 3 and H-L 2 and, to top it all off, news from, the long ridiculed, Duke Nukem camp.

Overall 2004 was definitely an eventful year and we have to accept its many twists and turns as this might have been the last year completely dedicated to games. 2005 is expected to focus on hardware with handhelds and next-gen consoles expected to steal the limelight, while 2006 is promising to be the year of the cell.

All entries received by Sunday January 23, 2005, are eligible for the draw for the grand prize draw.

Entering your email address is optional, it will be only used for contacting you if you win a prize and will be deleted after the winners have been selected. It will NOT be sold or destributed. Your entry is recorded by IP and other means, therefore multiple entries will be disqualified. The results will be announced in the week beginning January 24, 2005.