Vivendi 'saves' Gameloft, is eyeing Ubisoft next

Vivendi 'saves' Gameloft, is eyeing Ubisoft next

Vivendi is now the proud owner of GameLoft, the mobile game maker and publisher, since it acquired enough shares to take a controlling stake in the business. But the French media conglomerate isn't stopping there: it's now eyeing up Ubisoft as a potential prey for its takeover plans next.

This is something Vivendi has been discussing for a few months now, having purchased a few shares of Ubisoft earlier this year and at the time stating that it was interested in taking on more of Ubisoft. Now though it's being quite open about its aims to take over the publishing giant - something Ubisoft is not interested in.

In-fact it has pledged to stop the relatively hostile takeover bid by any means necessary, but it's not doing the best job. Vivendi has managed to take over around 17 percent of the company so far, so it's well on its way to a controlling stake.

Ubisoft's recent plan to halt its advance, has been to approach major investors and urge them not to sell to Vivendi, no matter how strong the offer.

Only time will tell if that tactic succeeds.

Do you think it would be good if Vivendi were to take control of Ubisoft?