Valve Sued Over Transgender Discrimination

Valve Sued Over Transgender Discrimination

Valve has a reputation for having one of the industry's most progressive work environments. This image is being tested now in courts after a transgender woman filed a lawsuit accusing it of discrimination.

The lawsuit was filed on April 12th, 2016 by an ex-employee who was identified on by her initials A.M. The plaintiff used to work as a translator for Valve until 2012 when she took time off to undergo gender transition and recovery. She also requested to be relocated to Los Angeles where her doctors reside and Valve approved but only after reclassifying her as an independent contractor.

After returning to work the plaintiff's boss allegedly referred to her as "it." Moreover, she claims that she was fired only after complaining to Valve's HR that the company was essentially exploiting people who were duped into providing translation services for free based on false promises made by her supervisor.

Right after complaining to the HR department, A.M. was fired. Valve justified the decision by the need to relocate her job back to Washington. The plaintiff noted that she offered to move back but the company proceeded with the termination process. Ultimately, she believes that the real reason why she was let go was that her boss was made uncomfortable by her gender reassignment.

The plaintiff is asking for $1 million in general damages, $1 million for special damages, $1 million for loss of earnings and $150,000 for unpaid wages and penalties. She is also seeking further punitive damages to be decided by the court.

Valve responded to the lawsuit on May 20th, denying all the allegations and asking for the suit to be dismissed.