Valve Opens The Orange Box

Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box Valve Opens The Orange Box

Valve has launched an official site for their upcoming Orange Box.

The Orange Box, scheduled for retail on October 9, contains the original Half-Life 2 and episodes One and Two along with Valve's multiplayer sequel Team Fortress 2 and Portal.

The new site hosts new screenshots and trailers for all Orange Box contents. A selection of the most interesting screenshots is available through the screens tab and a link to the new Orange box site is available through the downloads tab.