Valve Is Likely To Support Wii U

Valve Is Likely To Support Wii U

Valve boss and cofounder Gabe Newell said that the improved CPU and GPU performance of the recently unveiled Wii U makes it a viable platform for the studio's FPS games.

"Wii U seems to be a lot more powerful than the previous generation," he said. "It sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it'll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model."

Gabe's comment resonates with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's earlier statement that Nintendo hopes that Wii U's improved performance would attract First Person Shooter developers.

Gabe Newell refused to confirm that Valve is working on any Wii U game.

Note: To the best of our knowledge, credit for the toon accompanying this post goes to Steven Ford (CTTR Champion).