Valve: Left 4 Dead 2 Must Be A 'Single Statement'

Valve: Left 4 Dead 2 Must Be A 'Single Statement' Valve: Left 4 Dead 2 Must Be A 'Single Statement' Valve: Left 4 Dead 2 Must Be A 'Single Statement' Valve: Left 4 Dead 2 Must Be A 'Single Statement' Valve: Left 4 Dead 2 Must Be A 'Single Statement'

Left 4 Dead fans didn't welcome the announcement of the game's sequel; instead, they argued that new additions should be introduced to the game as DLC and regular updates.

Valve's project lead Chet Faliszek expressed his belief that this can never be the case and that the choice to do a separate sequel rather than offering DLC to the existing game is the right one.

"Balance is really important," he said. "Trying to do piecemeal stuff in DLC, you have a real balance issue there where you're going to have to go back and keep nerfing or expanding elements as you go on. That was one of our original thoughts when we were looking at Left 4 Dead 2, this want to have a cohesive single statement."

"The Jockey's not nearly as cool as he would be when he has the Spitter, because they work together really well" he explained, "and the Spitter's not nearly as cool without the new director AI and the Charger."

"It's all the systems working together that make it work, with all the new ammo and everything else. That's why we wanted to do it as one statement. You need to have all the pieces together to really do it big," he added.