Valve clarifies how busy its support department is

Valve clarifies how busy its support department is

Valve is a much-loved company, but it does take a bit of flak for a few key areas. There's that third game in a popular series which shall not be named that people still clamour for, but the other area where people really attack it is its support system. Gamers often complain that responses take an age to come, if at all and that oftentimes the response is not what they want.

To try and explain why Valve's support system isn't ideal, Valve has improved the systems' transparency and highlighted to consumers that it receives as many as 75,000 support requests every single day.

Off of the back of that transparency, Valve said it's made several improvements to its support infrastructure over the years. It's streamlined the process of contacting the support team, added new tools for support staff and users alike to help resolve problems more swiftly.

Moving forward, Valve hopes to improve the experience even more with the introduction of its support stats page. This lets everyone know just how swamped the support staff is at any one time, thereby giving you an idea of how long it may take to get a response. Right now for example, there are around 50,000 active requests, with around 8,300 people waiting for a response.

Most of those are refund requests, but there are also a few thousand problems with accounts, a couple of thousand technical support queries and 1,900 who need help with billing.

Based on these statistics, Valve will endeavour to keep numbers as low as possible, so that a big influx of problems related to a specific game, doesn't leave everyone else waiting for too long with their other problems.