Value 6200 Now PCI-E 6800 Soon

Value 6200 Now PCI-E 6800 Soon

nVidia has announced the nVidia GeForce 6200, a new graphics processing unit (GPU) which will attempt to place the company strongly within the value PC segment. At the same time the company is expected to launch its high-end PCI-E board very soon. The card will, possibly, carry the PCX 6800 name although nVidia has hinted that a higher number may be used, it has been, after all, over 4 months since nVidia promised us these boards so a codename change may be in order. The PCX 6800, when launched is expected to feature a 400 MHz core and 1100 MHz memory. ATIs PCI-E offering, the X800XT, is clocked at 500/1000 MHz. nVidia however, is hoping that the extra features of its architecture may swing things its way. Some of those features are also present in the budget 6200 which is available as of today.

The GeForce 6200 will support Shader Model 3.0 in games such as Ubisoft's Far Cry and id Software's Doom 3, as well as consumer electronics-quality, high definition video playback.

The GeForce 6200 GPUs will fully utilize the GeForce 6 graphics architecture and are the only graphics processors in the value segment that support Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Shader Model 3.0 which is being used to develop ultra-realistic, next-generation DirectX 9.0 games. The new GPUs will also offer UltraShadow II technology to deliver better speeds on next-generation, shadow-intensive games such as Doom 3. GeForce 6 Series of GPUs also feature the industry's first GPU-based programmable video processing engine for high-definition video playback.

GeForce 6200 GPUs are shipping now and GeForce 6200-based graphics boards will be available from leading add-in card manufacturers in November.