UT 2007 First Details

UT 2007 First Details UT 2007 First Details UT 2007 First Details

Midway confirms that the next version of Unreal Tournament will release in 2006 and puts to bed rumors claiming that a name change is imminent.

The developers and publishers of Unreal Tournament have been struggling with the future of the franchise for a while now. It is obvious that the series is about to leap to a new level now that the technology to support such a move is available but how do you mark such a leap? What do you have to change to let everyone know that this is UT: The Next Generation?

According to Midway's Steve Allison, the new UT ...will be a major evolution for the series. Fans will be blown away by the next-generation gameplay, modifiability and visuals.

Since the new UT is believed to be a bigger transition for the series than even UT 2004 was, its creators were toying with the idea of removing the year from the title. They finally realized however, that they can let the game itself convince us of the move so the year stays and the full title will be Unreal Tournament 2007.

Some of the more impressive changes announced for the new game are the new gameplay elements, an increased number of vehicles, special attention and focus given to the community and a brand new Conquest mode.