Unreal Tournament eSports

Unreal Tournament eSports

Unreal Tournament and Quake was the big competitive shooter face off of the late '90s and early '00s, so the fact that neither has been around for a long time in that same way is disheartening for those that grew up on that competition. But it looks like it could be making a comeback, especially with regards to the Epic developed shooter.

Unreal Tournament, the free to play reboot of the series built in Unreal Engine 4, is now entering the Esports game, with its first ESL leagues, ladders and tournaments. It may not even be out of its pre-alpha, but already the game is hotly competitive.

The ESL has said that it will begin tournaments shortly, offering decent cash prizes and other incentives for teams, as well as streaming and potentially even live coverage if the interest is there. As PCG points out however, with the recent dominance of CS:GO, the ESL may focus its attention there for now - but considering its history, there's no denying that Unreal Tournament has the potential to dominate if it can return to its former glory.

And it has the potential to. Unreal Tournament the reboot, is already deeply tactical and requires lightning reflexes to do well in. To showcase how difficult that can be and some of the great plays that can be pulled off in the game, Epic has been showcasing some of the best moves and shots each week and they're very impressive.