Unreal Engine 4 Now Available To Developers For $19 Per Month

Unreal Engine 4 Now Available To Developers For $19 Per Month Unreal Engine 4 Now Available To Developers For $19 Per Month

At the 2014 Game Developers Conference, Epic Games announced that it has released Unreal Engine 4 tools, features and complete C++ source code to the development community through a new subscription model.

Developers can sign up for UE4 for PC, Mac, iOS and Android by paying $19 per month, plus 5% of gross revenue resulting from any commercial products built using UE4.

"This is our complete engine, with everything Epic provides to leading game developers, priced accessibly for teams of all sizes, budgets and aspirations," said Tim Sweeney, founder of Epic Games. "Our whole business model is structured so that we succeed with this only if our developers succeed in making great games."

With the release of UE4, Epic is moving to a community-centric model built around forums, a Wiki and AnswerHub Q&A, with GitHub hosting the complete C++ source so developers can utilize its robust collaboration functionality for experimentation and sharing.

In addition to the new subscription model, Unreal Engine 4 can be licensed via custom-negotiated terms, for companies that wish to form a closer support relationship with Epic, or to reduce or eliminate the 5% royalty in exchange for up-front payment.

Visit www.unrealengine.com for access to Unreal Engine 4.