Unity Benchmarks Browsers' WebGL Performance

Unity Benchmarks Browsers' WebGL Performance

Unity has benchmarked its WebGL implementation on different browsers and found that Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft's Edge offered the best performance while Internet Explorer 11 was a distant last and Google Chrome fluctuated in-between.

Jonas Echterhoff from Unity performed the benchmark and found that:

• Firefox 42 64-bit is currently the fastest shipping browser in most of the benchmarks. The 32-bit version of Firefox is noticeably slower than the 64-bit version.
• Edge, as a new contender in these benchmarks comes in second, with results close to Firefox (and actually faster the Firefox 32-bit) in most benchmarks. In benchmarks which stress WebGL rendering performance (Particles, Asteroid Field), Edge performs best of all tested browsers.
• Safari delivers performance comparable to Chrome, up from a year ago when it was significantly slower than Chrome.
• Internet Explorer 11 is far behind the pack in just about everything, and is too slow to be of much use running Unity WebGL content.
• Looking at load times, most modern browsers are able to load the benchmark project in between 5 and 7 seconds. Firefox is able to cache asm.js compilation, which brings subsequent loads down to 1.5-2 seconds.
More details and individual test results can be found on Unity blog.
You can also run the benchmark in your browser directly here.