Ubisoft is making a new game based in the Avatar universe

Ubisoft is making a new game based in the Avatar universe

Remember Avatar? It was the most successful movies ever made, grossing close to $3 billion internationally and yet since its release eight years ago, it's almost fallen off of the map. While a massive technical achievement, there wasn't much about the story that really resonated with people - it was Dancing with Wolves, in space.

Games based on the world were equally lacklustre, but that doesn't mean we aren't ever going to see Pandora again. Indeed, with the rumored Avatar 2 set to finally begin shooting this summer, Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft and Lightstorm have teamed up to make a brand new Avatar game.

The announcement video doesn't show us anything about the game itself, which suggests that we won't be seeing it for some time - indeed, expect it to release alongside the next movie sometime in 2018. However we can look at the pedigree of lead developer Massive, which previously worked on games like The Division and Far Cry 3.

It knows how to build big, immersive game worlds, so it seems capable of making a game based around Pandora.

The question is, by the time it's released, will anyone be that interested? Do you guys care about Avatar as a franchise any more?