Ubisoft Confirms Red Steel

Ubisoft Confirms Red Steel Ubisoft Confirms Red Steel

Ubisoft has confirmed the development of Red Steel, an exclusive first-person action title for the Nintendo Revolution (working name of the new Nintendo platform). Red Steel is set in modern-day Japan. Players will master both the ancient art of the katana and the sophisticated technology of modern firearms taking advantage of the emotion and immersive gameplay possible only with the Revolution's remarkable controller.

As MegaGames mentioned last week, the new game will rely heavily on the novelty and possible potential of the new Revolution controller. We have been working closely with Nintendo to take full advantage of the innovative controller to create a thrilling experience that can only exist on the Revolution, said Serge Hascoet, chief creative officer at Ubisoft. The publisher expects gamers to be extremely eager to widen their gaming horizons adding a new perspective on gameplay. Claims that the controller is no more than a glorified light gun should be addressed in May 2006 during E3 which will see Red Steel's worldwide debut.

Ubisoft will also push the new game as the beginning of a Revolution exclusive franchise, we're honored to announce this exciting new franchise and we're confident that Red Steel will be the must-have title for the Revolution when it launches, added Mr. Hascoet. Ubisoft will disclose more specific information on Red Steel in the coming months and Nintendo will reveal more information about the Revolution and its unique controller at E3.

For more information on Ubisoft's Red Steel, stay with MegaGames for complete next-generation coverage.