Ubisoft announces no more mandatory DLC

Ubisoft announces no more mandatory DLC

In a positive bit of news to come out of Ubisoft's camp this morning, the French publisher/developer has announced that it will no longer package core gameplay elements like maps and modes within downloadable content. This has proved a successful strategy in other games, where traditionally map DLC has split the player base, and did so again when Ubiosft tried it with Rainbow Six: Siege.

Moving forward Ubisoft will make all maps and game modes in its titles free updates, with only customisation, different characters and more aesthetic choices hidden behind paywalls.

"No more DLC that you have to buy if you want to have the full experience. You have the game, and if you want to expand it—depending on how you want to experience the game—you're free to buy it, or not," said Ubisoft's Anne Blondel-Jouin via GamesIndustry.

This plays into the anti-pay-to-win mentality many gamers have, with a real distaste for any sort of DLC that can give an advantage to one side or another in multiplayer games.

This is something that Ubisoft considers a different kind of 'revenue,' the kind that makes its gamers happy. If gamers are happy, they keep playing and more likely to spend money on aesthetics in the future. If the developer turns them away because of dodgy DLC practices, they're a real loss and that's something Ubisoft wants to avoid moving forward.