Twitter Removes The Ability To Embed Games In Tweets

Twitter Removes The Ability To Embed Games In Tweets

Just a couple of days after gamers discovered that they could embed fully-playable games in tweets, Twitter swept in and disabled that option.

This ability was first discovered last week by Twitter user, Chris Kohler who noticed that games from The Internet Arcade can be embedded and played directly within tweets.

Unfortunately, Twitter decided that this option violates its Terms & Conditions and had it disabled. As you can see in the tweet above, tweets containing embedded games now simply show a link to the Internet Arcade page where they can be played.

Twitter Terms & Conditions contains the following clause which prohibits embedding games in tweets:
"Do not build end-to-end interactive experiences inside the video or audio player unrelated to Player Card content, such as the following: purchasing, gaming, polling, messaging, and data entry. Instead, build these interactive experiences with our other Card types or enhance your Player Card content with links to your website or mobile application."

Luckily, you can still play more than 900 classic DOS games directly at The Internet Arcade.