Twitch Plays Pokemon just beat Professor Oak

Twitch Plays Pokemon just beat Professor Oak

Twitch Plays Pokemon is a pretty interesting phenomenon. It pits the thousands of viewers (and it does get into such numbers) to play Pokemon - and various other games - by inputting commands. Of course the game can only register so many though, so what happens when you throw in lots of people trying to do different things and a few trolls, is that the player ends up spinning their wheels on the spot, turning around a lot and opening the map over and over.

However, over time, gradually the viewers are able to make their way through the game, so much so in-fact that within the last 48 hours, they managed to not only collected all 151 Pokemon, but beat the Elite Four.

That alone would be impressive, but knowing that they would get their eventually, the person behind the stream loaded up a modified version of the game that featured Professor Oak, who battles the player with level 100 Pokemon right after the final battle against their sworn enemy. That means no healing.

It took many attempts for all of the viewers to get it right, but using a combination of their own high level Pokemon like Slowbro, Cloyster, Venomoth, Victreebel, Dragonite and Zapdos, they were able to take down Oak.

It only took them 40 days straight of gameplay.