Turtle Rock shows us how to play Evolve like a (sort of) pro

Turtle Rock shows us how to play Evolve like a (sort of) pro

Turtle Rock's oft delayed alien monster hunting FPS title, Evolve, has been gathering steam for a while now, building up a lot lately thanks to its Halloween Alpha weekend. To get you in the mood that little more and to help those that haven't had a chance to play it yet, the developer has now released a video detailing some of the tricks its staff have learned over the past three years of playing it themselves.

When it comes to playing as the monster, you want to conserve your health, as damage to that is permanent. Lose your armour? Leave, run away and replenish it. Every time you knock down one of the hunters, they lose a quarter of their maximum health, so that's a win for you. Do that and run off and you're 1:0 up.

Don't panic, is also another great tip. When you have so many people shooting at you at once, it can get a little overwhelming. Stay calm, pick a strategy and stick to it, don't keep switching targets or dilly dallying between running and fighting. Flitting between both is far worse than doing either.

If you're playing hunters though and want to play the most straightforward, damage dealing character, Hyde is the main recommendation. He does the most damage, having the most powerful weapons, but doesn't have quite as much nuance as other hunters.

Evolve is set for release on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on February 10.

[Thanks Eurogamer]