True Crime Coming to PC

True Crime Coming to  PC

It seems that EBGames' release dates have become a speculation hotbed for all relevant news sites. Following the constant H-L 2 release date changes, the online retailer has now moved on to providing release dates for game ports where none have been announced. The latest EB rumour has to do with True Crime : Streets of LA; while no PC version was announced by Activision, the games' retailer suggested that they would have a copy of a PC version in March of 2004.
Unless EBG have moved into the porting business this means that Activision have plans for the game, plans which they chose not to reveal in order to boost console sales, I suspect.

The question is if EB Games, like the large responsible company that they are, have some special contact with publishers and therefore, priviledged release information. If so the date announced, which was subsequently eliminated from their site, is a reliable estimation of a possible release. The other possibility is that the company used their experience and produced a rough date, for their own planning purposes, which accidentally surfaced on their web site. Unlikely, after all a game that follows Vice City so closely, would also follow a similar console to PC course right?

Activision have refused to confirm the port but then again have not denied it either. It is possible that the whole release leak was a marketing exercise to test PC demand, with minimal damage to console sales, in order to decide on the development of a port.