Top-down Half Life mod gives you a different way to play

Top-down Half Life mod gives you a different way to play

Half-Life is a seminal title for not only Valve's catalog of games, but the gaming industry as a whole. It revolutionized the idea of story-telling from a first-person perspective, keeping things moving by never taking you outside of your body for a cut scene or action sequence. That's exactly what mod Occult Scrim does though. It makes the entire-Half Life Opposing Force experience a little more akin to a third-person, single player game of Counter Strike.

In Occult Scrim, the camera floats somewhere above your character -- not Gordon Freeman, it seems -- and you can bring it in closer for additional detail if you want, but as PCGamer points out, all of the guns work just as well when zoomed out.

With revamped AI and enemies to make them more challenging to kill, you'll find yourself earning points for each kill, using those points to then buy bigger and better weapons when you return to your base periodically. It's all said to be inspired by games like Raptor and Tyrian, where you'll roll out on a mission, earn points and head on back for upgrades.

There are even a few boss battles thrown in there for good measure.

The mod is still in its early stages of development at the moment, but it's coming together well and looks good considering the age of the material the modders are working with.