Too scared to play Alien: Isolation? Now you can watch it as a show

Too scared to play Alien: Isolation? Now you can watch it as a show

Alien: Isolation is arguably the most accurate portrayal of the universe from the first Alien movie since the first Alien movie. It was creepy, atmospheric, tense, and at times, downright hard. The Xenomorph would not only appear at random times, but learned your habits too. If that was all too much for you and you never finished your romp around Sevastapol station, now you can find out what happens to Amanda Ripley in a new series that will piece together cutscenes from the game to craft a comparable story to the game's.

Set to launch on February 28, the series will debut exclusively on IGN — although it will likely filter through to other platforms in the future. It's an official Fox property, put together by the 20th Century Fox team, but the IGN placement is an odd one. The site was one of the hardest critics of the game, giving it just 5.9 out of 10 when so many other outlets considered it a masterpiece of horror storytelling in games.

This does suggest that Fox is still interested in exploring the Alien universe in a manner more befitting the original vision for the franchise. Whether that means we'll get a second Alien: Isolation game remains to be seen, but if in the meantime you want something else to whet your appetite beyond the new series, you could always try the MotherVR mod that makes it possible to play through the game on an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift headset.