Titanfall 2 kind of sucks, but they're working on it

Titanfall 2 kind of sucks, but they're working on it

Early feedback on Titanfall 2... isn't good. The test build went up for people to play over the weekend just gone and people were not impressed. Complaints range from saying it doesn't feel like the same game anymore, to saying it's slow and COD-like, a new battery theft system isn't popular either.

If anything, players seem to think it's worse than the original and nobody is really happy about it, least of all Respawn the developer.

So now it's in damage control mode and is looking to make big changes. Movement is bring improved, wall running and speed sped specifically will be sped up and Titans will also show up on a timer, as well as to those who complete objectives.

But then again, don't people complain about everything? Clearly fans of the original want it to be more like that, but the first Titanfall died off very, very quickly.

What kind of direction do you think Respawn should take Titanfall 2?