Three Teenage Killers Blame It On Video Games

Three Teenage Killers Blame It On Video Games

Two days ago, Lamar Roberts, 17, and Heather Trujillo, 16, where arrested for beating Heather's 7 years old sister, Zoe, to death. Their defense? Imitating Mortal Kombat.

In these happy days, it is perfectly reasonable to stab someone to death and claim that you were imitating Prince of Persia, but for some reason, it is unreasonable to do so while imitating Hostel or Saw.

Trujillo told the police that she tripped Zoe, "punched her in the stomach, karate chopped her lower arms, punched and pinched the victim's thighs, kicked her in the shins, slapped her stomach and buttocks and poked at the victim's chest."

Trujillo also said that she was on top of her sister "holding her arms down with her legs while tapping on her chest like a typewriter when the victim passed out."

I shouldn't comment on news, but please tell me what fatalities (Finish Him) in Mortal Kombat involved "punching and pinching the victim's thighs" or "slapping his stomach and buttocks"?

Robert admitted that Zoe asked them to stop, but he didn't because he was drunk. When the 7 years old girl passed out, Robert "cracked an egg in her mouth ... in an attempt to see if she was messing around with them" by faking unconsciousness.

In a related story, a 17 years old boy in Beijing blamed World Of Warcraft for him burning his classmate alive.

The boy had a fight with his classmate and lost, so he decided to retaliate a few days later by pouring gasoline and setting him aflame .In his defense, he claimed that he "had lost himself in World of Warcraft and when he committed the crime he had transformed into a Fire Mage."

The victim ended up with 55% of his body covered in burns. The aggressor has been sentenced to 8 years in prison and ordered to pay the victim and his family a restitution of 760,000 RMB (approximately $103,140 USD).