THQ Pledges To Support Microsoft's And Sony's Motion Technologies On Launch

THQ Pledges To Support Microsoft's And Sony's Motion Technologies On Launch

THQ executive vice president, Danny Bilson, confirmed that the company is working on separate projects intended to support Microsoft's Natal and Sony Wand on their respective launch days.

"We'll be there at launch with some very friendly titles for the first audience who will adopt that stuff, which is families," he said.

"The technology is really excellent, for both Xbox 360 and PS3, so now it's all about the creative versus the business model. What's the installed base like and how much can I spend against those? Of course at first you'll see games that cost less money, but as the installed base grows we'll do more robust stuff."

"We're not going to just port stuff over, each one of those platforms needs a lot of design love," Bilson stressed.

"The same way we would treat Drawn to Life on Wii, we would treat similar games on those systems. It's about how can we best use Project Natal and how can we best use the Sony controller. We have this stuff at the studios, we've had it for a while."

"But I don't want to just splay stuff across because people will only play it once and not bother again. It's got to be a great Natal game, or a great Sony game, or a great Wii game," Bilson concluded. "Consumers are smart, they won't be fooled by that."